It’s been a few years (four to be exact) since I put a book out in the world. This was part purposeful and part because I just didn’t have time to do it all. I’ve really concentrated on my work with the reader community and book blogging, getting to know other readers and authors through events and blog tour groups. And I don’t regret that time because I’ve made some wonderful friends in that group of like-minded bookworms.
A year and a half ago, I decided to rejoin the world of critique groups. Through the American Christian Fiction Writer’s (ACFW) large critique loop, I connected with a couple of ladies and we’ve branched off into our own little group. We spend a year combing through each other’s manuscripts, suggesting fixes and ways to make them stronger. I love my critique partners. We all write in different genres, too. While I’m a contemporary romance writer, Lianne writes historical romance and dual time and Paige writers fantasy. I pray you will get to read their books one day too.
Fast forward to March 2021, and I decided to pitch a book during #faithpitch. This is a one-day event (that happens twice a year) where you have four opportunities to pitch your book using 280 characters and certain hashtags. If an agent or editor likes (hearts) your tweet, you can reach out to them for instructions on what they’d like to see. And an editor at Anaiah Press liked a couple of my tweets. Below is a screenshot of one of those

After I sent her the first ten pages of my manuscript, she requested the full and informed me she was sending it to the acquisition committee. In May, I signed a book contract with them. This month I am working diligently on content edits. There is lots to do between now and next summer, but I cannot wait for you to meet Jake, Scarlett and Harmony.
To keep up with all of my book news, sign up for my newsletter that I’m finally putting together. You’ll get a free prequel novella from the Rhythm of Love series. And yes, I have more books in the works for that series, too.
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