With the new year comes new goals, plans, and dreams. For the first time, I’ve decided to choose a word and verse for the year. If you haven’t guessed it from the title, my word is Flourish. Here are my favorite definitions of the word.

My verse comes from Isaiah. I love this one as an author of Christian fiction because sharing God’s word through fiction is a privilege.

In 2020 I am making plans to let go of the things that cause my soul to wither and fade. I’m going to focus on those things that bring me joy, things I’m passionate about. Things like reading and writing. I’ve gotten sidetracked from writing the past couple years but in 2020 I’m kicking it into high gear.
Some of my plans include attending at least two writers’ conferences, becoming more consistent in attending my local ACFW monthly meetings (I’m the chapter chaplain this year so no excuses for missing meetings), submitting to at least two publishers, finishing my next book in The Rhythm of Love series (because it’s been way too long, friends), and jumping in on #FaithPitch at least once.
I’d love to know if you have a verse or word for the year. If not, what are some of your goals. I hope you noticed I completely avoided the word resolutions. In my mind, resolutions are made to be broken while goals are something you strive to achieve.
I’m wishing each and everyone of you a God-ordained year filled with blessings and realized dreams.
Looking forward to the next book in The Rhythm of Love series!
Blue is my favorite color